Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Preview of A Hole In The Sun

I am putting the finishing touches on chapter 8 and started chapter 9 of Angelhunter

I also started an unedited raw opening of a future novel: A Hole In The Sun...a sequel to lol...a future novel Magicman. Here's a preview:

Charlie awakened with the same dream every night in a cold sweat. He was running home from school. He could not wait to get home. The thought of his arrival made him salivate in his sleep. His breathing took on an excited labor with each step as he ran from the bus. Charlie could hear the school bus door open as if he were really there. He never told the staff doctor about the dreams. The physician would certainly prescribe more of the rancid medicines they already gave him. He knew that his meds helped to keep him alive. And alive is just what he always needed to be. Charlie wanted to be as sober as possible. Who else could possibly warn everyone about the tear in the back of the universe should it rip free again? No, he must remain vigilant at all times. The dream was the little snippet of allowance he took every night for himself. The same seductive nightmare played over and over and over again. Charlie silently smiled as his palpitations eased into a warm feeling in his soul. It was like a heroin addict running panting sprinting to finally find his favorite needle. He was flooded with that joy for his fix. Charlie's REM was steady but jumping, almost twitching his eyes out their orbital traps. His hand readied the seemingly giant door to his room. He squeezed the knob and gripped it like a child hold a box at Christmas, still in awe that it's potential contents could be his. Charlie's treasures await him with but a twist of the wrist and subsequently he was bathed in a deep yellow light. It was a summer time light that marked the coming of the fall as the sun would be chased away by the rich but chilly pre winter changes. The light could've come from ...what did his friend from so long ago call it? .....The Heaventh....? Yes, that was it....The very Heaventh itself. Strange it was to hear the -th at the end of Heaven, it gave it the realm an importance that Charlie would never understand until he met his Maker on that great and awesome day. Until then, Charlie has this Heaventh: the little black box.

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