Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Adrian Philadelphia: Screams of The Damned

He looked out upon the fields of the grape that were so tenderly cultivated. The workers were few but the profits were enough, perhaps more than enough. Adrian had built himself a life in this body he had borrowed so long ago. Its former owner had long neglected its form. Humans rarely understood what they had in the flesh they were born with. Adrian understood it full well. He understood its shape, its power and its majesty that all came together to form GOD’s greatest creation since The Trinity: Mankind. The way the synapses fired in unison with the tendons and muscle mass was as amazing as the quarks and stars chasing one the other across the universe. Yet, man did not appreciate his role in the hierarchy of THE KINGDOM. Adrian thought this as he let his gaze wander across what his Adam-led hands had built. He had given up the dream of being the “anti-Christ”. His spirit was bound to the body he had acquired and one of his fellow demons had informed him of Satan’s ignorance of his hollow. Satan had been lost in thought for what seemed forever and Antarius was virtually running things in the lower heaventh. Meanwhile, Adrian was stuck on Earth in this body. Had he died, he was not sure that he would be released by Satan. He feared he would be trapped in hellfire screaming forever with the souls so heinous, they got the bypass of judgment and Paradise. So he stayed. He married. He raised children. He lived.
“What kind of demon am I that I have settled in this life of human existence?” he said with a resigned sigh.
“They have never had visage outside of this simple mud crusted orbital death trap” he muttered, amazed at the first true irritation of his plight. Just then he felt the presence of his other half’s arms consume the width of his age swollen waist, something that seemed to endear him more to her.
“What are you grumbling about, my love?” his wisdom said with the lithe voice that reminded him of the morning song of the sweet crickets that preceded the illumination of his fields of gold that were paint brushed by the rays of the sun’s skyward climb. “Nothing, my love.” He smirked as he lied. He could sense her before she came anywhere near his personage. It was the tendrils of darkness that ran along the blue colored veins that danced along his field strengthened arm. That darkness all but danced through the repugnant spirit of evil that was the housing of the battery of this empty but sickened soul. It was known in parts unknown as The Consuming. It was the complete antithesis of The Anointing: the solar wind to the angel’s sails. It was the liquid light that rushed in a river of Godliness through the heart and minds of The Believer. It healed and exorcised. It was so powerful, enough to change the course of the Red Sea. It was the light blood of the heart of GOD. It was everything The Consuming was not. The Consuming ate holes in souls and crumbled men that could not control it. It was the gift that Satan gave unto men that called upon his unholy name. Now, the body that Adrian controlled, it pulsated in lustful anticipation, almost a person itself.