Thursday, September 30, 2021

When We Get There

 I've got big plans ya know? I'm exasperated by folks I read about who have built the means by which they 

are able to dictate their lives. 

I've read about everything from FIRE movements to ex-patriates to people who have made six figures with an idea, some passion, and old-fashioned elbow grease. That needs to be me. 

The job will give me my early release if I give them 4 more years of service. I'll be 55 at that time. My kids will be 11 and 10 respectively. I'm so done with the rat race. While I believe I still have the juice so to speak, 

I want to direct my juice towards juice boxes, baths, and dinnertimes.  It's all I want to do along with writing. 

It's not the furthest thing out on the water, not an unreachable goal. It's not too much to ask, is it? I just have to furrow my brow and get down to brass tax. (I really sound old don't I?) 

Consistency is the common theme

I noticed from everyone I've been reading about. If there is a kryptonite, that is mine. The blog world

demands words, and words often. Seemingly, every little thing is irritating me with the 9 to 5. All the flaws of working for the man are coming to bear. The key to the freedom I seek is wanting it bad enough. 

I often wonder how the greats muster up the fire inside to drive them to where they have gone. 

Jordan wanted to         

destroy EVERYTHING. Brady (I can't believe I'm writing about the Hated One in this space.) was a 7th round draft pick who wasn't good enough. He's still proving himself to no one but himself. 

What's my burning bridge? What is my Batman story? I don't have one. I have no idea have to turn on the flamethrower. I'm guessing I will figure it out before I'm 55. Before I'm 65? 

I will share this: the other night, I was giving my Queen a lesson on how good she can be in her career and not settle for ditch digging. (There is NOTHING wrong with ANY profession as long as it's leading to your dreams and goals by the way.) 

I was telling her about stepping stones and destiny is what you make it. You can stop at the convenience store, but it doesn't have to be the end of your journey! 

She turned around and gave me my own medicine; she told me that she has never heard or seen an imagination like mine. She told me that I should have had several books completed by now, which I true. (We have been together for 10 plus years.) 

I just need to take the required two hours a day to write something, ANYTHING. The more I get irritated the more I realize she's right. Freedom isn't given, freedom is earned.

photo courtesy Simon Hurry

Chay 2021

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