Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Jokes On Me

Clouds of an ArtistImage by Madiator via Flickr

let that shit
do like on Alien
and just bust
right the fuck out my chest
less bullshit to deal with
let some other mutha fucka
clean up the mess
i got celestial chess to be playin'

what i'm sayin
is like some ole Marvin Gaye and such
bein on ths planet is enough to make you lose your lunch
a punch to the gut
and stuck in a revine on the side of the road to redemption
mission aborted with contorted thoughts
lost in the frost to costs due
debts unpayed
pull back the curtain' to find richard pryor
got dammit i been played
oz and the jokes on me jack
how the fuck do i get back?

ready to blow this bitch
but this time i got some shit to leave
before i do:
a heavy heapin dose of "fuck you"
for those
who know
they deserve it
and those who know but havent heard it
no way around it
no mistakin it
you heard it right
hold that shit
til it turns bleach white

but i don't expect understanding
grandstanding'll get ya head blown off
cough up the meds
but instead i'll swallow my pride
pour out a lil liquor for those fortunate dead
it's exactly what you think
exactly how i said

empty at peace
i won't cease
to be
it's temporary
at the body shop
waiting on the new model
i got hope in a bottle
and as they watch me work
the message will become clearer

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