Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Going The Long Way About

   My soul is cold                                                                        
                  On the downfeather of gold
             They say that folk caint be bought
                 I cant roll over and play dead
      Even though you pissed a hole in my not yet
                            Warmed grave
The funeral you planned was an unmanned casket ruined
And exposed the holes in your basket cased painkiller laced
            Soul that I kept together and wept in weather
                      Not worth weeping over
                 Seeping over with Supernova
                         Hot with separation
      My sickening deadication to you was maddening
  Harrowed with sorrow I tried to follow your hollow bones
                 Into your personal zone of hell
                 Into which I fell from grace
                Space : the end of my kind
I find myself wondering who the hell gave me the right to
                Burn away three years on bullshit
     Fit to be tied tried and judged I still wouldn’t budge
         From the life sucking sludge that was you
     But im redempt Yes? Relit on a new GodHot fuse
                 On the refuse to die hard like I die
I fly on the fuel that you defecated on my prostrated being
And my how my soul sings
Seeing now I was fool but now Im knew
With the replacement you would be incorrect to say
You were merely a delay in my happiness
Going The Long Way About

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