Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Preview of 'Angelhunter' Chapt 13.6

The door was closed by Crow looking back before he departed. The door closed and Arturo sat back down. “So…Miss Maria. I understand that you were the victim of Kenneth?” he said
“I-I was...” before Maria could finish her sentence he countered
“You were not consenting, were you?” He led her nodding slowly.
“R-right, sir” Maria said. She did not consent. But she knew how bad she needed the job. As a result, she knew what she needed to do to keep the job. Therefore she was able fend off her parasitic brother.
Arturo was not interested in the story. He just wanted to make his point that those were in charge were responsible for those that were in their employ. They were not to be exploited or abused. Thus, Kenneth was no longer there.
“So Maria, now that we have an understanding with that. Tell me how do feel about Kenneth’s departure?” he asked
“Well, we never really had a relationship. He got on top and did what he did. So, I wasn’t in love with him or anything. And it’s not like he gave me anything. I mean, if you don’t count this baby. But ….” She hesitated

“Yes?” Arturo said
“You didn’t kill him did you?” she said, with obvious concern in her tone.
“I did not. And this is why you must never be with him. He may want revenge against us for losing his gig. But since you don’t love him nor had no relationship, we don’t have to worry about that do we?” Arturo said.
“N-no sir” she managed to get out.
“Good. Do you plan on keeping the baby?” he asked
This was the million dollar question and Arturo kept his posture and same expression. This made it difficult to read him. But Maria knew she needed to be honest. Despite his demure demeanor, Arturo could be ruthless. And he really did not need to be. He had the soldiers to carry out harsh justice.
“Yes sir” Maria answered.
“Good. You should keep your baby. But the baby can never know its father. If I see Kenneth anywhere near here looking for you. Or if I see you with him or having to do anything with him on ANY level, all parties involved will be dealt with. Am I understood?” Arturo said this all very matter-of-factly. Again, he did not change his posture or demeanor. But he was deadly serious. She also knew that he meant the baby as well.
“Yes sir. I understand.” She said with wide fearful eyes.
“Good.” He smiled while Harp seemed to be trying to find something out of the window.
“Ok.” He sighed. “With that out of the way, let’s get down to other business.” He said.
“Other business?” Maria asked, curious.
“Yes! I understand you have been here for two years now. It’s time to reward your loyalty.” Arturo said
Maria looked on stunned. The events were both startling and surprising.
Arturo laughed. “Don’t be so surprised! We get the reports on you guys. It’s time to step you up. I want you to take Andre’s spot in the packaging room. With that comes a raise. You will report directly to Cynt and coordinate with Andre. They both will help to ease you into the position.” He said.
Maria was stunned. She did not know what to expect. She even let her mind wander to being taken to an empty room and being dealt with: permanently. She let her shoulders ease slightly with the thought of actually being able to take care of her baby.
Arturo interrupted her attempt at further daydreaming.
“So what do you think?” he said with a smile.
“I think it’s great, sir!! Thank you so much!” she said smiling
She jumped up giving him a hug.
“Ok ok!” he laughed. “Don’t get too happy. You have a lot to learn and it is a lot of hard work. But if you continue and grind with us, you’ll go even further.” He said.
“Thank you, sir.” She said
“You did it yourself. Now don’t stray too far. We’ve got a couple of meetings before I get out of here. After that, I’ll be back late this week or the first of next week to help y’all get situated.” He said.
“Ok sir.” She said.
Harp came to her chair with a silent smile and led her to the double doors. She walked to the packaging room to see Andre. Andre was with Cynthia and they were in the office that no longer belonged to him. He was emptying his drawers into a duffel bag. “Hey Maria, congratulations!” he beamed. She was surprised.
“Thanks.” She was hesitant to call him Andre. She had never known his name before today. “It’s all so much!” Maria said, barely able to stifle a smile.
“Well, it’s up to us to tighten the ship around here.” Andre said
“We have a lot to do.” He said
“yeah, that’s for sho. We gotta set the standard for all the spots. Not that we competin’ with them. But we gotta get right and stay right and then start to fly, ya feel me?” Cynthia said.
“I here ya…….boss!” Maria said.
Cynthia laughed. “Yeah yeah, boss. You gotcha own responsibilities now, no more pretty girl. You a boss ya damn self, chica!” Cynt countered.
“After these meetings, the three of us’ll need to have a quick meeting and hit the ground running.” Andre said. He seemed to understand the gravity of the changes. He also seemed to be willing to concede that he would be a number two for awhile longer. Really, he was glad to still be here.
“I think we need to be like Mr. Briggs in how he does things. We should have meetings about an hour earlier than when the fiends start showing. Things like that. We got one of the biggest spots in the city, so you right, Cynt. We gotta take it to the next level.” Andre said.
“You guys are right” Maria said thinking simultaneously of her own “next level”. She actually thought that her plan would have a shot after all. She could stay right here and focus on the plan. And with the pay increase, she could facilitate the plan faster. She could almost smell the surf. She just had to survive in a business not known for its longevity. She had done it for this long, and for the survival of her baby, she had to endure just a little longer. She had no choice if she wanted to have the happiness that eluded her for the breadth of her young life.

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