Saturday, June 12, 2021

What I've Seen 01

 What I've Seen 01

Things I’ve Seen 06 12 21

So this is me making sure I'm keeping the blog

hot and continuing the writing engine

churning, producing something. Every Saturday

this is due so here goes.

It will be about me consuming mainly, what I’ve

seen on TV, read about, or done.

Therein lies some of the problem, Yes? Writers,

influencers, vloggers, bloggers, and the

like need to be putting out more content than consuming.

That’s how you build an audience,

a following, and besides, isn’t that the goal of any artist?

Is that what I am?

An artist? I am actually but it’s not you I have to convince,

I have to start producing like

I'm an artist and get off the boat of dreamers,

bring the imagination bag into the

land of the doers, ya know? So this is me doing.

Driving. Grinding producing.

The goal is every day giving unto myself

my craft by giving unto you,

the burgeoning audience.

Here we go.

Migos- So the Migos have a new album right?

(Culture III) I like it!

It takes like seven songs in

but im there! Should I be there?

Absolutely not! I’m consuming again not producing

but it’s a solid assist while I hit this ink ya know?

Them Lawrenceville boys took a minute to heat up

on this one but they got it.

That ‘Why Not?” tho! omggggg 

NBA Playoffs- My weakness: Sports.

My Gramma said some profound shit

way back in the day:

the successful person doesn’t get caught up in sports.

It’s like the gateway drug of escape right?

I mean I don’t do anything bad or illegal,

except that its a crime to blow the time

I have on the escape.

I say this for me and myself only,

take it for what you will but there is a book

that talks about going deep in on

whatever you are trying to learn so it can be ingrained in you.

Malcolm Gladwell says it takes

10 years to be an expert on something right?

So, it was with great pain I had to tell my crew

that I am consuming too much and need to be producing!

Real talk, it's simple math:

you are what you spend time on, at least for me.

If I’m not writing, I need to be reading or editing,

especially when that pigskin season come.

But the NFL owe me too right?

I don’t have a stake in the Colts or Pacers or any other team.

I do have stock and stake in these girls

and a beautiful grandson, ya dig?

It's going to take committing to what I’m chasing.

That shit can’t be part-time or a hustle anymore.

It’s time to make the Main thing the Main thing.

All that said, the Point God is eating they ass….

and he bout to opt OUT on a 47million dollar deal!

As Richard Fliehr would say ‘WHOOOOOOOOOO!’

The Boys-

So when I wash dishes at night and

everyone is in the bed,

I watch my Amazon Prime.

I finished season 2 of ‘Hanna’. Excellent!

You know I’m into the whole

Government produces super-beings.

It’s a huge part of my writing. Great storyline!

So the next thing I’m trying to get at is

‘The Boys’ based of course on the legendary comic book.

The first thing to do was to shake my TV show sidekick.

My wife is on a whole different schedule

than me! Lol. So I’ve finished season one solo

and started 2 on my own as well.

I like it. It was well written and gory af!

Enjoyable action.

I need to catch up to the Marvel series on Disney.

Health-I have a LOT going on in my house!

My daughter and now me.

I’m finally seeing about my own

10-year issue with an Esophageal Stricture.

Hopefully, this upcoming

Wednesday we can cross the street

and improve my ability to swallow.

Honestly, it’s been a clusterfuck for sure.

Taking small pills has become a chore.

I’m finally doing something about it. 

Word Blitz- I’m getting my HEAD kicked in!

That clock is a bitch! 

Everything else is good.

I appreciate you whether or not you read this.

I’m just trying to jumpstart this writing cause

I think I have some good things to share that

I get excited about. Come with me.

I’m going to introduce you to some interesting characters

and their adventures. 

Leave your thoughts if you wish.

I welcome and read it all good or bad.

Leave your email address so you can get on the preferred list

with previews, extras, and goodies galore. 

Catching up to:

Godfather in Harlem

Any and all movies from the last three years


Can’t WAIT until July for Animal Kingdom on TNT!

(it’s not Wild Kingdom, you missing out!!)

What I’m reading

Didn’t realize he passed last year. :( 

I’ll be digging into his stuff for the next few months.

It’s just a reminder to get producing or pass thinking

about what might have been for real

As always, 

THANK YOU for being you.

Sincerely and until the next go,
